Kerala Ayurveda

Dr Azim

I have always known that my back is not the strongest one, but to have problems in the first week of travel is really bad luck.
However I am lucky they are masters of natural healing in here, and after three sessions of aurvedic treatment in Bangalore Kerala Clinic I feel great again. Thank you Dr. Azim!

W przychodni zdrowia ICK

One Response to “Kerala Ayurveda”

  1. cybulaki says:

    hej hej
    no calkiem niezle sie tam zabawiacie :)
    ten pajak to prawdziwy najprawdziwszy?
    chyba powinnam tam przyjechac wyleczyc swoja fobie.
    duzo dobrych ludzi na trasie wam zyczymy bo na krajobraz raczej nie narzekacie co?
    calusy cybulaki

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